In a year marking the 50th anniversary of his debut album, Semear Salsa Ao Reguinho, released under the auspices of the late, renowned Porto-based label Orfeu, Vitorino returns to Porto for a concert focused on his most recent album, Não sei do que é que se trata, mas não concordo (“I don’t know what it’s about, but I disagree”), a title borrowed from Jorge Paixão da Costa’s documentary on the life of the Alentejo-born singer. Only two songs on this work are not authored by Vitorino, who has introduced new aesthetic nuances to his music, performing his own lyrics as well as poems by António Lobo Antunes, Carlos Mota de Oliveira, Florbela Espanca, José Jorge Letria, Miguel Torga, and Sérgio Costa.
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In a year marking the 50th anniversary of his debut album, Semear Salsa Ao Reguinho, released under the auspices of the late, renowned Porto-based label Orfeu, Vitorino returns to Porto for a concert focused on his most recent album, Não sei do que é que se trata, mas não concordo (“I don’t know what it’s about, but I disagree”), a title borrowed from Jorge Paixão da Costa’s documentary on the life of the Alentejo-born singer. Only two songs on this work are not authored by Vitorino, who has introduced new aesthetic nuances to his music, performing his own lyrics as well as poems by António Lobo Antunes, Carlos Mota de Oliveira, Florbela Espanca, José Jorge Letria, Miguel Torga, and Sérgio Costa.
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