The world is constantly slipping away from us. The present is a place of dispute between the lived past and the future to come. How can we think of the body and its movement as both a trace and a projection? An attempt to bend time forward and backward simultaneously, as a process of memory and becoming. To inhabit a spiral temporality in which the body vibrates in deep listening, against linearity and spatial separatism. Disarming the categories of subject and object in order to be moved by something beyond oneself. An effort to coexist languages between movement and voice that resonate and make the body overflow as texture, sensuality and sensation, expanding to an immanent condition, moving towards the flesh. — João dos Santos Martins
Co-presentation with Culturgest (Lisboa)
3 de maio — 21:30
4 de maio — 19:30
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The world is constantly slipping away from us. The present is a place of dispute between the lived past and the future to come. How can we think of the body and its movement as both a trace and a projection? An attempt to bend time forward and backward simultaneously, as a process of memory and becoming. To inhabit a spiral temporality in which the body vibrates in deep listening, against linearity and spatial separatism. Disarming the categories of subject and object in order to be moved by something beyond oneself. An effort to coexist languages between movement and voice that resonate and make the body overflow as texture, sensuality and sensation, expanding to an immanent condition, moving towards the flesh. — João dos Santos Martins
Co-presentation with Culturgest (Lisboa)
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