"Untitled" is a collection of abstract paintings emerging from a meditative state. These works serve as a refuge from chaos, transforming the act of painting into a silent dialogue with the inexpressible. The exhibition reflects an inner struggle with the need to find purpose, replaced here by a surrender to the present moment. Through layers, colours, and textures, stories unfold that words cannot convey, inviting the viewer to lose themselves and rediscover a sense of self within the flow of the indescribable.
14 de dezembro, 16:00 — Inauguração + Porto de Honra às 16:00
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"Untitled" is a collection of abstract paintings emerging from a meditative state. These works serve as a refuge from chaos, transforming the act of painting into a silent dialogue with the inexpressible. The exhibition reflects an inner struggle with the need to find purpose, replaced here by a surrender to the present moment. Through layers, colours, and textures, stories unfold that words cannot convey, inviting the viewer to lose themselves and rediscover a sense of self within the flow of the indescribable.
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