From street slang, tReta means something that "went wrong" or an unexpected "trouble". Thus, tReta brings into action forms of hip-hop, in a reedition od the history in face-on confrontation with the colonizers’ forces. It’s a conflict, an explosion, a premeditated act to involve the other, where the audience takes a risk to take the selfie of the day. It's a witness of the shared violence against the minorized bodies in Brazil (only there?). The “tReta” at Dirceu (Teresina, Piauí), where we come from, the world geopolitics’ “tRetas”, the ones in Portugal, or at the neighbourhood, or from the breaking battle. Our own “tReta” which brings dance as positioning in the world. — Original Bomber Crew
Co-presentation with SPRING Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht)
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From street slang, tReta means something that "went wrong" or an unexpected "trouble". Thus, tReta brings into action forms of hip-hop, in a reedition od the history in face-on confrontation with the colonizers’ forces. It’s a conflict, an explosion, a premeditated act to involve the other, where the audience takes a risk to take the selfie of the day. It's a witness of the shared violence against the minorized bodies in Brazil (only there?). The “tReta” at Dirceu (Teresina, Piauí), where we come from, the world geopolitics’ “tRetas”, the ones in Portugal, or at the neighbourhood, or from the breaking battle. Our own “tReta” which brings dance as positioning in the world. — Original Bomber Crew
Co-presentation with SPRING Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht)
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