Towards the end of the Second World War, a Black American pilot is captured and imprisoned in a stable by villagers in rural Japan, as they await official instructions on what to do next. Meanwhile, the community finds itself forced to coexist with a man who personifies the monstruous devastation and slaughter meted out by the enemy during the conflict — awakening dormant frustrations and unveiling the darker, bloodthirsty side of the villagers, themselves subject to their own oppressive hierarchies. Shrouded in racism and xenophobia, this premise develops into an implacable, perverse fable about Imperial Japan’s oppressive collectivism.
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Towards the end of the Second World War, a Black American pilot is captured and imprisoned in a stable by villagers in rural Japan, as they await official instructions on what to do next. Meanwhile, the community finds itself forced to coexist with a man who personifies the monstruous devastation and slaughter meted out by the enemy during the conflict — awakening dormant frustrations and unveiling the darker, bloodthirsty side of the villagers, themselves subject to their own oppressive hierarchies. Shrouded in racism and xenophobia, this premise develops into an implacable, perverse fable about Imperial Japan’s oppressive collectivism.
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