A noir classic starring Glenn Ford and Gloria Grahame, The Big Heat follows detective Dave Bannion as he investigates the apparent suicide of a colleague. As he delves into the case, Bannion uncovers a web of corruption and organised crime that controls the city, led by the ruthless gangster Mike Lagana. When his wife is murdered in an act of retaliation, Bannion embarks on a relentless quest for revenge. The version we are presenting was screened at the Il Cinema Ritrovato Festival, based on an image restoration carried out by Cinetech Laboratory and audio by Chace Productions.
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A noir classic starring Glenn Ford and Gloria Grahame, The Big Heat follows detective Dave Bannion as he investigates the apparent suicide of a colleague. As he delves into the case, Bannion uncovers a web of corruption and organised crime that controls the city, led by the ruthless gangster Mike Lagana. When his wife is murdered in an act of retaliation, Bannion embarks on a relentless quest for revenge. The version we are presenting was screened at the Il Cinema Ritrovato Festival, based on an image restoration carried out by Cinetech Laboratory and audio by Chace Productions.
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