Participação, já!
Participação, Já!
Participação, já!

The "Participação, Já!" exhibition presents, for the first time, the Political Separates collection of the Porto Municipal Public Library, in the Casa do Infante Time Cabinet. Ephemeral publications from the hot period of the 25 April revolution - including magazines from political movements and parties, information and propaganda bulletins from trade unions and workers' or residents' associations, programme booklets on public policies, pamphlets, flyers and other political printed matter - which are a documentary testimony to the participatory, civic and political body that shaped the experience of democracy and freedom of expression, on issues as contemporary as housing, health, education and income. This is a surprising body of documentation that the curatorial eye will endeavour to highlight in its diversity of languages and agility of visual composition and production, but also in its vital effervescence, in apparent contrast to the formal and accommodating character of today's political country.

The selection will give particular prominence to a set of Separatas Políticas between 1974 and 1977, benefiting from the archival treatment of librarian Helena Braga da Cruz, who catalogued these publications between the 1970s and 1990s. These documents are also a window on the territory of pulsating plurality in which political and civic movements were formed, branched out and contaminated, in whose forces forms of participation were experimented with. In addition to their intrinsic historiographical dimension, an absolute human force persists in these objects, in their different formats, compositions, typographies and precarious printing methods. A force that leads to the impulse, the energy of "Participação, Já!".

The exhibition includes an unpublished soundscape created by composer Igor C. Silva and a video piece based on period films from the Casa do Infante archive and unpublished films by José Alves de Sousa by filmmaker Amarante Abramovici.

Casa do Infante — Gabinete do Tempo


R. da Alfândega, 10

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Participação, já!

Event from

Revolução, Já!

The "Participação, Já!" exhibition presents, for the first time, the Political Separates collection of the Porto Municipal Public Library, in the Casa do Infante Time Cabinet. Ephemeral publications from the hot period of the 25 April revolution - including magazines from political movements and parties, information and propaganda bulletins from trade unions and workers' or residents' associations, programme booklets on public policies, pamphlets, flyers and other political printed matter - which are a documentary testimony to the participatory, civic and political body that shaped the experience of democracy and freedom of expression, on issues as contemporary as housing, health, education and income. This is a surprising body of documentation that the curatorial eye will endeavour to highlight in its diversity of languages and agility of visual composition and production, but also in its vital effervescence, in apparent contrast to the formal and accommodating character of today's political country.

The selection will give particular prominence to a set of Separatas Políticas between 1974 and 1977, benefiting from the archival treatment of librarian Helena Braga da Cruz, who catalogued these publications between the 1970s and 1990s. These documents are also a window on the territory of pulsating plurality in which political and civic movements were formed, branched out and contaminated, in whose forces forms of participation were experimented with. In addition to their intrinsic historiographical dimension, an absolute human force persists in these objects, in their different formats, compositions, typographies and precarious printing methods. A force that leads to the impulse, the energy of "Participação, Já!".

The exhibition includes an unpublished soundscape created by composer Igor C. Silva and a video piece based on period films from the Casa do Infante archive and unpublished films by José Alves de Sousa by filmmaker Amarante Abramovici.




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