Oficina Sazonal de Inverno 2024
Oficina Sazonal de Inverno 2024
O inverno também tem cor
Oficina Sazonal de Inverno 2024

During the Christmas holidays, contact with nature in the City Park will provide moments of play through games, puppet dramas and lots of fun. With the help of field guides, experiments (chromatography) and on-the-spot observation of tree trunks and roots, we'll investigate how some plants ‘protect’ themselves from the cold during winter by remaining evergreen, while others ‘strip’ themselves of their leaves. The dramatisation of the story ‘The Adventurous Pine’ will begin this adventure, which will allow us to learn about coniferous trees and other plants such as holly, cork oak, camellia and ivy. The workshop will culminate with the participants dramatising the story and building a small winter forest, inspired by elements of nature (leaves, branches, fruit, seeds), which will be a souvenir of the workshop.

Núcleo Rural do Parque da Cidade

A oficina tem lugar no período de férias de Natal e destina-se a crianças dos 6 aos 9 anos. A frequência é gratuita, mediante pré-inscrição obrigatória em formulário on-line disponível na Eco Agenda, no dia 28 de novembro às 21h00.

Os lugares são limitados a 20 participantes e as inscrições serão consideradas por ordem de entrada, com prioridade a crianças portadoras do Cartão Porto em 50% da lotação da oficina

Oficina Sazonal de Inverno 2024 | O inverno também tem cor

Data: 18 a 20 de dezembro | 2024

Faixa etária: 6 aos 9 anos

Horário: das 9h30 às 12h30 e das 14h00 às 16h30

Local: Parque da Cidade | Núcleo Rural do Parque da Cidade.

Data de abertura das inscrições: 28 de novembro de 2024, às 21h00, na Eco Agenda.


Beco Carreiras, 66

More info

Oficina Sazonal de Inverno 2024

During the Christmas holidays, contact with nature in the City Park will provide moments of play through games, puppet dramas and lots of fun. With the help of field guides, experiments (chromatography) and on-the-spot observation of tree trunks and roots, we'll investigate how some plants ‘protect’ themselves from the cold during winter by remaining evergreen, while others ‘strip’ themselves of their leaves. The dramatisation of the story ‘The Adventurous Pine’ will begin this adventure, which will allow us to learn about coniferous trees and other plants such as holly, cork oak, camellia and ivy. The workshop will culminate with the participants dramatising the story and building a small winter forest, inspired by elements of nature (leaves, branches, fruit, seeds), which will be a souvenir of the workshop.




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