Los dias afuera is a musical documentary theatre piece and the second part of the film Reas. The performance narrates the lives of six people from the moment they get out of prison, crossing their biographies in an album of unpredictable stories. Meanwhile Nacho works as a driver in cab apps and play in a rock band, Paulita works in a clandestine textile workshop singing cumbia and Noelia pays her living doing sex work and organize kiki-balls and demos for trans visibility. All of them have served their sentences and now they are trying to rebuild their lives, but they are facing the barrier of their criminal records. — Lola Arias
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Los dias afuera is a musical documentary theatre piece and the second part of the film Reas. The performance narrates the lives of six people from the moment they get out of prison, crossing their biographies in an album of unpredictable stories. Meanwhile Nacho works as a driver in cab apps and play in a rock band, Paulita works in a clandestine textile workshop singing cumbia and Noelia pays her living doing sex work and organize kiki-balls and demos for trans visibility. All of them have served their sentences and now they are trying to rebuild their lives, but they are facing the barrier of their criminal records. — Lola Arias
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