Two people, in a large and sacred space shared with the public. Karpex starts from the concept of cleaning, using it to install itself in a context that allows addressing a series of issues related to the practice of cleaning: to make disappear, omit, lie, camouflage and manipulate; but also resist, accept failure and live with it. What movements can we identify in a body that cleans? What is the choreographic potential of cadences practiced by a body that strives to eliminate traces of a dirty substance? — Guilherme de Sousa & Pedro Azevedo
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Two people, in a large and sacred space shared with the public. Karpex starts from the concept of cleaning, using it to install itself in a context that allows addressing a series of issues related to the practice of cleaning: to make disappear, omit, lie, camouflage and manipulate; but also resist, accept failure and live with it. What movements can we identify in a body that cleans? What is the choreographic potential of cadences practiced by a body that strives to eliminate traces of a dirty substance? — Guilherme de Sousa & Pedro Azevedo
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