Confessions of Fisga team: we’re super geeks and were super excited for this month to bring the little ones alive 🥺 on December 19th we’ll watch Gremlins together and dream of an universe where monsters could be cute as them! We promise to protect you from the sun and water and never feed you after midnight 🤭
Open doors: 7 pm / Movie: 8.30 pm
On Christmas eve, an inventor gifts his son a little monster named Gizmo. If not exposed to sun and water neither fed after midnight, everything would be great. Cute and smart, he turns out to be the perfect pet for the child, but he gets wet accidentally and brings five deviled creatures…the rest of the story you can watch here!
SIGN UP HERE: https://g0ug8hx6yhs.typeform.com/to/NCE1Vk3F?typeform-source=www.fisga.space
More info
Confessions of Fisga team: we’re super geeks and were super excited for this month to bring the little ones alive 🥺 on December 19th we’ll watch Gremlins together and dream of an universe where monsters could be cute as them! We promise to protect you from the sun and water and never feed you after midnight 🤭
Open doors: 7 pm / Movie: 8.30 pm
On Christmas eve, an inventor gifts his son a little monster named Gizmo. If not exposed to sun and water neither fed after midnight, everything would be great. Cute and smart, he turns out to be the perfect pet for the child, but he gets wet accidentally and brings five deviled creatures…the rest of the story you can watch here!
SIGN UP HERE: https://g0ug8hx6yhs.typeform.com/to/NCE1Vk3F?typeform-source=www.fisga.space
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