Inspired by a rapper's copyright lawsuit against a video game company, Basel-based choreographer Jeremy Nedd's latest work explores a dance move known as the Milly Rock. Five performers examine the Milly Rock, a dance move inspired by the rapper 2 Milly. In doing so, they search for the hidden poetry and virtuosic freedom found in social and viral dance moves. Taking a look into the "algorhythm" of marginalized movement languages, one asks: can a dance move belong to anyone? And, when yes, who actually profits from it? — Jeremy Nedd
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Inspired by a rapper's copyright lawsuit against a video game company, Basel-based choreographer Jeremy Nedd's latest work explores a dance move known as the Milly Rock. Five performers examine the Milly Rock, a dance move inspired by the rapper 2 Milly. In doing so, they search for the hidden poetry and virtuosic freedom found in social and viral dance moves. Taking a look into the "algorhythm" of marginalized movement languages, one asks: can a dance move belong to anyone? And, when yes, who actually profits from it? — Jeremy Nedd
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