“Brincadeiras que brincavas mais” is a compilation video of a long investigation into childhood games. Through different formats, the video presents excerpts from recorded interviews and conversations on this subject with people from distinct contexts and age groups. Mainly reflecting the Portuguese panorama, different experiences of playing, dreaming and drawing are shared, as well as social subjects including gender separation, education, rules, parenting and sexual orientation, among others.
Letícia Costelha. 1996, Porto. Graduated in Fine Arts at FBAUP in 2019. Works as an artist and educator. She collaborates in artistic education projects involving cultural associations. Over the last few years, she has been active in artist residencies and group exhibitions. Of particular note is "Dez de Pentáculos", Appleton, Lisbon (2022). In 2023, her piece “Encontro na rua o que procuro em casa” was acquired by the Porto Municipal Gallery Art Collection. This year, 2024, she is one of the artists selected for FLAD's (Luso-American Development Foundation) “Flechada” program - Grant for First Solo Exhibitions.
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“Brincadeiras que brincavas mais” is a compilation video of a long investigation into childhood games. Through different formats, the video presents excerpts from recorded interviews and conversations on this subject with people from distinct contexts and age groups. Mainly reflecting the Portuguese panorama, different experiences of playing, dreaming and drawing are shared, as well as social subjects including gender separation, education, rules, parenting and sexual orientation, among others.
Letícia Costelha. 1996, Porto. Graduated in Fine Arts at FBAUP in 2019. Works as an artist and educator. She collaborates in artistic education projects involving cultural associations. Over the last few years, she has been active in artist residencies and group exhibitions. Of particular note is "Dez de Pentáculos", Appleton, Lisbon (2022). In 2023, her piece “Encontro na rua o que procuro em casa” was acquired by the Porto Municipal Gallery Art Collection. This year, 2024, she is one of the artists selected for FLAD's (Luso-American Development Foundation) “Flechada” program - Grant for First Solo Exhibitions.
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