Dialogues on the Erasure and Exclusion of Black LGBTQIAPN+ People
in Brazil and Portugal
with ROD and Gê Escobar
Mediation: Lucas Reis
04 December 2024, Wednesday - 07:00 p.m.
Casa Odara
(Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade 126, Porto)
In this conversation, ROD (Coletivo Afrontosas) and researcher and cultural activist Ge Escobar (AGRRIN / Rede LGBT+ de Memória e Museologia Social) present an important dialogue about the erasure of black and LGBTQIPAN+ people in Brazil and Portugal.
ROD will present ‘Cadê Elas?’, a project by Coletivo Afrontosas funded by DGArtes and ENAR Foundation that aims to produce a new narrative about the Portuguese revolution based on the historical recovery of black LGBTQIA+ people during this period.
Ge Escobar will talk about the artistic and political uses of photographic collections as possible theoretical and practical tools for claiming the rights of black and LGBTQIA+ people in the museum field. The aim will be to link her master's research ‘Memória da Militância Negra durante a Ditadura Militar no Brasil e a Luta Antirracista através do Acervo Fotográfico de Oliveira Silveira’ (Memory of Black Militancy during the Military Dictatorship in Brazil and the Anti-Racist Struggle through Oliveira Silveira's Photographic Collection) and her current doctoral research ‘Por uma Museologia Lésbica Negra’ (For a Black Lesbian Museology) (2023), with the aim of demarcating an Afrodiasporic decolonial Black lesbian epistemic dispute in the School of Thought of Sociomuseology.
Colonial ideology has excelled at maintaining the systematic erasure of these people in all sectors of society. When we refer to black LGBTQIA+ people, this suppression is even greater. How can we imagine a world of revolutions against dictatorships without seeing the black presence in these periods? How can we challenge the close links between racism, LGBTQIA+phobia and xenophobia in cultural spaces, museums and academic research in Portugal? What practices of preservation, dissemination and democratisation of access to black and LGBTQIA+ memories can combat historical erasure?
«Cadê Elas? Pessoas Negras LGBTQIA+ e Ditadura Portuguesa» é is one of the projects supported by the 2024-25 edition of the "Arte Pela Democracia" programme, an initiative of the Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of 25 April in partnership with the Direção-Geral das Artes (DGArtes) Realisation: Coletivo Afrontosas. Funding: ENAR, DGArtes - República Portuguesa/ Cultura.
FREE ENTRY subject to capacity.
(The talk will be held in Portuguese without simultaneous translation)
Realised by
Casa Odara
Coletivo Afrontosas
LARóyé - casa/atelier de partilhas afetivas, criativas, ancestrais
Núcleo de Imigrantes das Belas Artes - NIBA
More info
Dialogues on the Erasure and Exclusion of Black LGBTQIAPN+ People
in Brazil and Portugal
with ROD and Gê Escobar
Mediation: Lucas Reis
04 December 2024, Wednesday - 07:00 p.m.
Casa Odara
(Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade 126, Porto)
In this conversation, ROD (Coletivo Afrontosas) and researcher and cultural activist Ge Escobar (AGRRIN / Rede LGBT+ de Memória e Museologia Social) present an important dialogue about the erasure of black and LGBTQIPAN+ people in Brazil and Portugal.
ROD will present ‘Cadê Elas?’, a project by Coletivo Afrontosas funded by DGArtes and ENAR Foundation that aims to produce a new narrative about the Portuguese revolution based on the historical recovery of black LGBTQIA+ people during this period.
Ge Escobar will talk about the artistic and political uses of photographic collections as possible theoretical and practical tools for claiming the rights of black and LGBTQIA+ people in the museum field. The aim will be to link her master's research ‘Memória da Militância Negra durante a Ditadura Militar no Brasil e a Luta Antirracista através do Acervo Fotográfico de Oliveira Silveira’ (Memory of Black Militancy during the Military Dictatorship in Brazil and the Anti-Racist Struggle through Oliveira Silveira's Photographic Collection) and her current doctoral research ‘Por uma Museologia Lésbica Negra’ (For a Black Lesbian Museology) (2023), with the aim of demarcating an Afrodiasporic decolonial Black lesbian epistemic dispute in the School of Thought of Sociomuseology.
Colonial ideology has excelled at maintaining the systematic erasure of these people in all sectors of society. When we refer to black LGBTQIA+ people, this suppression is even greater. How can we imagine a world of revolutions against dictatorships without seeing the black presence in these periods? How can we challenge the close links between racism, LGBTQIA+phobia and xenophobia in cultural spaces, museums and academic research in Portugal? What practices of preservation, dissemination and democratisation of access to black and LGBTQIA+ memories can combat historical erasure?
«Cadê Elas? Pessoas Negras LGBTQIA+ e Ditadura Portuguesa» é is one of the projects supported by the 2024-25 edition of the "Arte Pela Democracia" programme, an initiative of the Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of 25 April in partnership with the Direção-Geral das Artes (DGArtes) Realisation: Coletivo Afrontosas. Funding: ENAR, DGArtes - República Portuguesa/ Cultura.
FREE ENTRY subject to capacity.
(The talk will be held in Portuguese without simultaneous translation)
Realised by
Casa Odara
Coletivo Afrontosas
LARóyé - casa/atelier de partilhas afetivas, criativas, ancestrais
Núcleo de Imigrantes das Belas Artes - NIBA
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