Alice Rohrwacher’s debut feature film follows the story of Marta, a 13-year-old girl who, after ten years living in Switzerland, travels with her mother and older sister back to the city where she was born, in Calabria, Italy. This is where she begins preparing for confirmation, as she confronts moral doubts regarding the local catholic community and her own changes as she goes through puberty. A film about growing up, family and religion seen through the eyes of a teenager, Corpo celeste was selected for the Directors’ Fortnight at Cannes.
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Alice Rohrwacher’s debut feature film follows the story of Marta, a 13-year-old girl who, after ten years living in Switzerland, travels with her mother and older sister back to the city where she was born, in Calabria, Italy. This is where she begins preparing for confirmation, as she confronts moral doubts regarding the local catholic community and her own changes as she goes through puberty. A film about growing up, family and religion seen through the eyes of a teenager, Corpo celeste was selected for the Directors’ Fortnight at Cannes.
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