There's more "Conversations at the CPF"!
This time the conversation is about the exhibition "Despojos de Guerra" currently open to the public at our headquarters.
The Portuguese Centre for Photography and Leonel de Castro, photojournalist and author of the exhibition, as well as the Association of Disabled Members of the Armed Forces (ADFA), challenge you to come and talk about this photojournalist's work, which culminated in this exhibition and the book of the same name.
Participation is free (until the room is full), but registration is required (on the CPF website at https://cpf.pt/inscricao-em-eventos/ or by email to sonia.silva@cpf.dglab.gov.pt).
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There's more "Conversations at the CPF"!
This time the conversation is about the exhibition "Despojos de Guerra" currently open to the public at our headquarters.
The Portuguese Centre for Photography and Leonel de Castro, photojournalist and author of the exhibition, as well as the Association of Disabled Members of the Armed Forces (ADFA), challenge you to come and talk about this photojournalist's work, which culminated in this exhibition and the book of the same name.
Participation is free (until the room is full), but registration is required (on the CPF website at https://cpf.pt/inscricao-em-eventos/ or by email to sonia.silva@cpf.dglab.gov.pt).
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