The Duo Saracoteando emerged from the meeting of two young musicians dedicated to promoting and democratizing access to Brazilian instrumental music, with an emphasis on the universe of Choro. Comprised of Javiera Hunfan, a clarinetist from Chile, and Kevin Augusto, a seven-string guitarist from Brazil, the duo presents a chronological performance that functions as a lesson on the history of Brazilian popular music. The duo's diverse repertoire encompasses all the genres that influenced the emergence of Choro, including Polka, Schottische, Waltz, Lundu, among others.
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The Duo Saracoteando emerged from the meeting of two young musicians dedicated to promoting and democratizing access to Brazilian instrumental music, with an emphasis on the universe of Choro. Comprised of Javiera Hunfan, a clarinetist from Chile, and Kevin Augusto, a seven-string guitarist from Brazil, the duo presents a chronological performance that functions as a lesson on the history of Brazilian popular music. The duo's diverse repertoire encompasses all the genres that influenced the emergence of Choro, including Polka, Schottische, Waltz, Lundu, among others.
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