Thousands of poems read, 255 sessions held, over 1000 guests from every artistic field, 55.000 spectators throughout several iconic venues in the city—impressive and unlikely numbers for a poetry series that has been claiming the right to the journey, to the freedom and to the dream for itself since 2001. A slow and incendiary path, navigating at the whim of fog, a huge error, an unavoidable risk, a clamorous success. And after all this it is necessary to change, knowing that no transformation will succeed if it relinquishes an audacious gesture of detachment, rebelliousness, rebellion. In the final soirée of this poetic series, we rely on the fierce complicity of stellar artists, “spacialised dreamers” who’ll light the stage at Campo Alegre with their vibrating energy. Come and find out about them. Dare to do so. — JOÃO GESTA
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Thousands of poems read, 255 sessions held, over 1000 guests from every artistic field, 55.000 spectators throughout several iconic venues in the city—impressive and unlikely numbers for a poetry series that has been claiming the right to the journey, to the freedom and to the dream for itself since 2001. A slow and incendiary path, navigating at the whim of fog, a huge error, an unavoidable risk, a clamorous success. And after all this it is necessary to change, knowing that no transformation will succeed if it relinquishes an audacious gesture of detachment, rebelliousness, rebellion. In the final soirée of this poetic series, we rely on the fierce complicity of stellar artists, “spacialised dreamers” who’ll light the stage at Campo Alegre with their vibrating energy. Come and find out about them. Dare to do so. — JOÃO GESTA
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