In Hamlet, Shakespeare says that "time is disconcerted", suggesting that time can be felt in the body, deep in the bones and tissues, as a kind of "dislocation of the skeleton"*. Linhares' recent research and practice centres on the articulation of a dissonance in relation to normativity, where neither the body nor the mind correspond to what social values designate as normal, expected or standard. Linhares lives in a Crip and Queer time, of timelines that flow differently from those integrated into the cis hetero norm of the able-bodied and able-minded, which has been imposed as the supreme version of the human experience.
When you live in Crip and/or Queer time, you fall into the cracks and gaps of society and begin to live in transgression. The tyranny of normativity dictates that we either fit in or we are automatically transgressors: rebels or monsters.
In this failure or break with normativity, it is possible to claim a space and create a powerful existence, where knights in shining armour, wielding ideals of toxic positivity and futurity, where "freaks" with prostheses can thrive, do not enter.
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In Hamlet, Shakespeare says that "time is disconcerted", suggesting that time can be felt in the body, deep in the bones and tissues, as a kind of "dislocation of the skeleton"*. Linhares' recent research and practice centres on the articulation of a dissonance in relation to normativity, where neither the body nor the mind correspond to what social values designate as normal, expected or standard. Linhares lives in a Crip and Queer time, of timelines that flow differently from those integrated into the cis hetero norm of the able-bodied and able-minded, which has been imposed as the supreme version of the human experience.
When you live in Crip and/or Queer time, you fall into the cracks and gaps of society and begin to live in transgression. The tyranny of normativity dictates that we either fit in or we are automatically transgressors: rebels or monsters.
In this failure or break with normativity, it is possible to claim a space and create a powerful existence, where knights in shining armour, wielding ideals of toxic positivity and futurity, where "freaks" with prostheses can thrive, do not enter.
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