Revolução, Já!
Revolução, Já!
Revolução, Já!

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the 25 April Revolution. Eschewing an evocative cliché or a purely celebratory ritual, the Museum and Libraries of Porto propose a programme of thought and participation, of artistic and literary creation, with a public character, seeking to inscribe the idea and experience of revolution in a sense of emergence and future.

"Revolution, Now!" is the motto, in the form of a collective cry, of this programme and the signature of all the initiatives to be developed, taking as its field of vision revolutions underway in contemporary times - revolutions that, feeding on the imaginary of past revolutions, could lead us to new utopias or dystopias, new orders or rebellions, and profoundly reconfigure the conditions of human possibility in the future.

The programme is developed through an unprecedented "Public Poetry" initiative (with 50 poets), under the sign of the Revolution; a new "Forum of the Future", consisting of a cycle of 10 national and international conferences, looking at revolutions in the spheres of Politics, Science, Art, Economics, Nature and History, combined with a film cycle that questions the seventh art as revolution and memory of revolts; and a community art programme with three of the city's prisons, around the idea or experience of freedom.

These four axes are complemented by a series of initiatives specifically focused on the April Revolution or revolutions that changed Portugal and the world, including two exhibitions at the Porto Museum, three short courses at the Municipal Libraries, two special sessions of the cycle of talks "An Object and its Discourses" and music recitals. Jorge Sobrado and José Augusto Bragança de Miranda are commissioning the "Revolution, Now!" programme.

Added to this energy are the programming and participation forces of other cultural structures of ÁGORA Cultura e Desporto E.M. (Batalha Cinema Centre, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Cultura em Expansão and Fonoteca Municipal do Porto) and STCP (Museu do Carro Eléctrico).


2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the 25 April Revolution. Eschewing an evocative cliché or a purely celebratory ritual, the Museum and Libraries of Porto propose a programme of thought and participation, of artistic and literary creation, with a public character, seeking to inscribe the idea and experience of revolution in a sense of emergence and future.

"Revolution, Now!" is the motto, in the form of a collective cry, of this programme and the signature of all the initiatives to be developed, taking as its field of vision revolutions underway in contemporary times - revolutions that, feeding on the imaginary of past revolutions, could lead us to new utopias or dystopias, new orders or rebellions, and profoundly reconfigure the conditions of human possibility in the future.

The programme is developed through an unprecedented "Public Poetry" initiative (with 50 poets), under the sign of the Revolution; a new "Forum of the Future", consisting of a cycle of 10 national and international conferences, looking at revolutions in the spheres of Politics, Science, Art, Economics, Nature and History, combined with a film cycle that questions the seventh art as revolution and memory of revolts; and a community art programme with three of the city's prisons, around the idea or experience of freedom.

These four axes are complemented by a series of initiatives specifically focused on the April Revolution or revolutions that changed Portugal and the world, including two exhibitions at the Porto Museum, three short courses at the Municipal Libraries, two special sessions of the cycle of talks "An Object and its Discourses" and music recitals. Jorge Sobrado and José Augusto Bragança de Miranda are commissioning the "Revolution, Now!" programme.

Added to this energy are the programming and participation forces of other cultural structures of ÁGORA Cultura e Desporto E.M. (Batalha Cinema Centre, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Cultura em Expansão and Fonoteca Municipal do Porto) and STCP (Museu do Carro Eléctrico).


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