Mitologias: Lugares Sagrados, Tempos Míticos
Mitologias: Lugares Sagrados, Tempos Míticos
Mitologias: Lugares Sagrados, Tempos Míticos

Cosmological and cosmogonical myths come in several forms and sit outside the usual logic of events, sustaining the collective identity of a people, community or society and vesting themselves with authority. From archaic societies to contemporary times, we see a repetition of profane stories, gestures, and supernatural, almost sacred characters. Cinematographic practices, too, reiterate the living power of myths and the value they give to our lives.

Put together by three guest curators — Eduarda Neves, Maximiliano Cruz and Ricardo Braun — Mythologies explores the complexity of beliefs and how they influence behaviour in humans and institutions. Through a series of films across a range of eras, the programme offers a reflection on the socio-economic, political, ecological and techno-scientific signifiers and dystopias that cinema summons from this theme.

Batalha Centro de Cinema

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Mitologias: Lugares Sagrados, Tempos Míticos

Cosmological and cosmogonical myths come in several forms and sit outside the usual logic of events, sustaining the collective identity of a people, community or society and vesting themselves with authority. From archaic societies to contemporary times, we see a repetition of profane stories, gestures, and supernatural, almost sacred characters. Cinematographic practices, too, reiterate the living power of myths and the value they give to our lives.

Put together by three guest curators — Eduarda Neves, Maximiliano Cruz and Ricardo Braun — Mythologies explores the complexity of beliefs and how they influence behaviour in humans and institutions. Through a series of films across a range of eras, the programme offers a reflection on the socio-economic, political, ecological and techno-scientific signifiers and dystopias that cinema summons from this theme.


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